Ryan Bowen 2011. Powered by Blogger.


It occured to me I haven't told anyone what compiler I use for my C code. I use Quincy.

Why do I use Quincy?

  1. My lecturer uses Quincy and it was told that we would be marked using Quincy so it's the logical choice
  2. It's got a simple, clean layout that's easy to understand so great for beginners
  3. My lecturer apparently helped make it so he's probably a bit bias toward his own creation.
I'd recommend it unless you've already got another compiler you prefer, at the end of the day it doesn't really matter since it's all compiling C.

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I feel I should credit Paste Bin whom unless I find a better service, I will be using to display all my code.

From what I can tell they're a good service and it's helpful to have coloured, scrollable code to post on my blog so cheers to them!

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"Turtle Graphics" Update #2

Right, my turtle program is behind schedule since today I woke up late and spent most of the day eating bacon and generally being lazy.

The program is fairly functional but it doesn't quite do what it's meant to yet, at least it compiles!

Full source code after jump:

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"Turtle Graphics" Update

I know I said I'd post my progress today but unfortunately none has been made, I've had a hectic day and barely had a chance to get on the computer let alone programming!

I shall work on it tonight since I was reading up more on two dimensional arrays to prepare, it's not exactly difficult but I like to refine my knowledge by re-reading every chapter of my textbooks to ensure I haven't missed anything.

I'll also be doing some exercises from Engineering Problem Solving with C (3rd Edition) tonight and tomorrow to further cement it in my brain.

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3DS Max

Ah, the benefits of being a student! As I write this, Autodesk 3DS Max is downloading onto my laptop!

"You thief! You darn software pirating theif!" I hear you cry! Alas no, I did not pirate this software nor is it a trial!

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My Wrestle With Arrays

I'm currently working on a C program that is a simulation of "Turtle Graphics".

Turtle Graphics for those who don't know is when you have a square of blank paper and you program a route into this "turtle" for it to follow on the following commands: Go Forward, Turn Left, Turn Right, Raise Pen, Lower Pen.

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For those interested in playing a game I've created or those too impatient to wait until I create more I give you Elood; a game I created a while back, it was my early experimentation with Actionscript 2.0. I no longer have the .fla file nor do I recall much of its development.

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 I came across a wonderful tool recently, I've had a little time to test out its features and so far I'm very impressed. Stencyl is a great program that allows you to create Flash .swf games without the need to use ActionScript. Similar to Game Maker except without the limits of .exe. These games can be produced on browsers and to my delight uploaded on Kongregate!

I encourage you to give it a test drive and see it for yourself, expect a project or two from me using Stencyl in the coming weeks.

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Hello and welcome everyone to my journey through game development!

A little background information on me: I've always been obsessed with games, I've owned many consoles, uncountable games and I follow gaming news like a religion.
I experimented with Game Maker when I was younger but nothing significant ever came of it and now at 19 years old, finally I'm beginning proper development.

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