Ryan Bowen 2011. Powered by Blogger.


Hello and welcome everyone to my journey through game development!

A little background information on me: I've always been obsessed with games, I've owned many consoles, uncountable games and I follow gaming news like a religion.
I experimented with Game Maker when I was younger but nothing significant ever came of it and now at 19 years old, finally I'm beginning proper development.
I attend a fantastic university course where I've just finished my first semester, my knowledge so far is very basic, I can barely program a "Hello World!" program but as you'll see over time I will get better and better and hopefully I'll be making fully fledged real worlds in  3D and you'll be playing them!

I will be posting tutorials, my thoughts and other useful or trivial things related to games and the programming of such. If you're interested the books I currently learn from are:

Engineering Problem Solving with C - Etter
A fairly good introduction but full of complex mathematics which not many would understand.

C: How to Program - Deitel
A fantastic, comprehensive introduction to C detailing every aspect very well.

As well as C, I'm currently dabbling in Flash games - one of which I'll post a preview to soon for you to play.

I hope you have a lot of fun following my journey or at least leave having learnt something useful!

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