Hello and welcome everyone to my journey through game development!
A little background information on me: I've always been obsessed with games, I've owned many consoles, uncountable games and I follow gaming news like a religion.
I experimented with Game Maker when I was younger but nothing significant ever came of it and now at 19 years old, finally I'm beginning proper development.
I attend a fantastic university course where I've just finished my first semester, my knowledge so far is very basic, I can barely program a "Hello World!" program but as you'll see over time I will get better and better and hopefully I'll be making fully fledged real worlds in 3D and you'll be playing them!I will be posting tutorials, my thoughts and other useful or trivial things related to games and the programming of such. If you're interested the books I currently learn from are:
Engineering Problem Solving with C - Etter
A fairly good introduction but full of complex mathematics which not many would understand.
C: How to Program - Deitel
A fantastic, comprehensive introduction to C detailing every aspect very well.
As well as C, I'm currently dabbling in Flash games - one of which I'll post a preview to soon for you to play.
I hope you have a lot of fun following my journey or at least leave having learnt something useful!
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