Ryan Bowen 2011. Powered by Blogger.

Assignment Information

Alright here's a little information on the assignment I'm currently working on:

We have to be highly modularised, which means pretty much every minor action in the program gets its own function and is all stored in separate files instead of one chunk of code. Apparently this is less confusing, whoever believes this is stupid.

We have to make a program that generates random numbers, then subs those random numbers into an equation which somehow integrates the equation, not sure how sound the mathematics is but who cares it's worth 15% of this subject.

It's not going too well at the moment, it's due in two days. I'll post more progress up until then but don't expect me to do very well as it pretty much covers all the topics I'm yet to learn.

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Big Update!

Well I finally picked up the 6th edition of C: How To Program, the only difference is that some chapters are removed as far as I can tell; a little disappointing.

Also an update on what I've been doing: working bloody hard! It's mid-semester which means loads of assignments are due. Specifically programming this Monday, a program using random numbers; an audio editing assignment next Friday; a piece of fiction due tomorrow and a maths test every week with an extra maths test on Tuesday.

I'll post more information on the programming assignment this weekend where I'll be working most on it! It's certainly been a busy time.

Also: I received a reply regarding posting code. Unfortunately I cannot post it all since it might be plagiarised, what I can do is post parts and discuss what I did without giving future students something to copy and paste. So expect that soon too!

Enjoy this big update!

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